Johnstown, PA

Johnstown is a city in Cambria County, Pennsylvania.

  • County: Cambria County
  • Property tax rate: 1.34%
  • Population: 5,302
  • Area code: 814
  • ZIP Codes: 15901, 15902, 15904, 15905, 15906, 15909
  • Median home value: $65,000
  • Median household income: $24,294
  • Nearest major airport: PIT

Property value growth rates:

  • +5% 1-year forecast

Walkability: low​

Nearby attractions:

  • Greater Johnstown Community YMCA
  • Sheetz
  • Family Dollar
  • Ideal Markets

How far is Johnstown, PA from:

  • Pittsburgh, PA (1 hr 25 min, 67.7 miles)
  • Latrobe, PA (47 min, 32.6 miles)
  • Altoona, PA (54 min, 48.3 miles)
  • Harrisburg, PA (2 hrs 25 min, 138 miles)
  • York, PA (2 hrs 40 min, 156 miles)
  • Lancaster, PA (3 hrs, 172 miles)
  • Philadelphia, PA (4 hrs, 238 miles)
  • Baltimore, MD (3 hrs 183 miles)​
  • Washington, DC (3 hrs, 181 miles)
  • Hagerstown, MD (2 hrs, 111 miles)

School District:​ Greater Johnstown School District

Major employers in Cambria County:

  • Duke LifePoint Conemaugh Health System
  • State Government
  • Federal Government
  • Walmart
  • Cambria County
  • St. Francis University
  • Duke LifePoint Conemaugh Physician Practices
  • Laurel Technologies
  • Sheetz
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • Lockheed Martin Aeroparts

Rental Property Investors

Section 8 Housing Assistance Program is available through Johnstown Housing Authority. A quick conversation with a Section 8 housing coordinator made it clear "we are always in need of quality housing, there is a shortage in Johnstown. If these units were made available to the program, they would fill quickly."

Section 8 Rates (2021):

  • 1 BR $572 per month (utilities included)
  • 2 BR $724 per month (utilities included)
  • 3 BR $923 per month (utilities included)


  • U.S. Census Bureau
  • Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
  • Johnstown Housing Authority

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