Eldred, PA

Eldred is a city in McKean County, Pennsylvania.

  • County: McKean County
  • Property tax rate: 1.225%
  • Population: <1,000
  • Area code: 814
  • ZIP Codes: 16731
  • Median home value: $72,000
  • Nearest major airport: BUF

Property value growth rates:

  • +6.5% 1-year forecast

Walkability: low​

Nearby attractions:

  • Allegany State Park
  • Allegany National Forest
  • Zippo / Case Museum
  • Eldred World War II Museum
  • Lake Eerie
  • State Game Lands

How far is Eldred, PA from:

  • Buffalo, NY (1 hr 40 min, 85 miles)
  • Erie, PA (1 hr 55 min, 109 miles)
  • Pittsburgh, PA (3 hrs 15 min, 165 miles)

School District:​ Otto-Eldred School District

  • Otto Eldred Elementary School (0.2 miles)
  • Otto Eldred Joint School

Major employers in McKean County:

  • Zippo Manufacturing Co.
  • Bradford Regional Medical Center
  • Federal Government
  • Bradford Area School District
  • American Refining Group
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • Wal-Mart
  • Keane Frac LP
  • W R Case & Sons Cutlery
  • Ardagh Glass Inc


  • U.S. Census Bureau
  • Pennsylvania Department of Commerce

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