Coldstream - Homestead - Montebello, Baltimore, MD

Coldstream - Homestead - Montebello is a neighborhood in northeast Baltimore City bordering Clifton Park.

  • County: Baltimore City
  • Property tax rate: 2.24%
  • Area code: 443, 410
  • ZIP Code: 21218
  • Nearest airport: BWI
  • Median home value: $165,000

Property value growth rates:

  • +3.5% year-over-year
  • +5% 1-year forecast

Walkability: moderate​

  • Lake Montebello (5 min, 0.2 miles)
  • Clifton Park Golf Course (15 min, 0.8 miles)
  • Baltimore City College (10 min, 0.5 miles)

Nearby attractions:

  • Lake Montebello
  • Clifton Park
  • Clifton Park Golf Course
  • Herring Run Park
  • Baltimore City College
  • Loch Raven VA Medical Center
  • Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus
  • Morgan State University
  • Loyola University
  • Penn Station

Nearby neighborhoods:

  • Charles Village
  • Mayfield
  • Clifton
  • East Baltimore Midway
  • Ednor Gardens - Lakeside
  • Waverly
  • Pen Lucy
  • Belair-Edison

How far is Coldstream - Homestead - Montebello from:

  • Downtown Baltimore, MD (14 min, 3.7 miles)
  • Towson, MD (22 min, 6.9 miles)
  • Columbia, MD (39 min, 27.1 miles)
  • Frederick, MD (50 min, 43.5 miles)
  • York, PA (60 min, 51.7 miles)
  • Washington, DC (60 min, 41.1 miles)

School District:​ Baltimore City Public Schools

Major employers in Baltimore City:

  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Johns Hopkins Hospital & Health System
  • University of Maryland Medical System
  • University System of Maryland
  • MedStar Health
  • LifeBridge Health
  • Mercy Health Services
  • St. Agnes HealthCare
  • Exelon
  • Morgan State University
  • T. Rowe Price
  • Stifel Financial Corp
  • Legg Mason
  • Under Armour


  • U.S. Census Bureau
  • Maryland Department of Commerce

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